Personal Journeys into Expanded
States of Consciousness
What is the Exploring Consciousness Workshop?
The Monroe Institute’s Exploring Consciousness Workshop is an intensive 2-day program which offers you the opportunity to engage in consciousness exploration, self-discovery, and personal transformation. This process is facilitated and enhanced by the use of Hemi-Sync®, a powerful audio-guidance technology which has been effectively and safely used for over 40 years. You will experience deep physical relaxation and mental calmness as you easily journey beyond the world of physical senses into expanded states of consciousness to better understand your Total Self and to access your untapped inner resources. You will learn and practice effective techniques for releasing limiting patterns, healing of self and others, accessing guidance, and dissociating at will from your physical body. You will return home with the experience, knowledge, and skills you need to access these powerful states of consciousness on your own (without Hemi-Sync®) to continue to realize more of your full potential and to enhance your everyday life.
What results and benefits can I expect from taking the Exploring Consciousness Workshop?
The results of the exercises and tools (both during the workshop and afterwards) vary considerably from person to person. Participants typically report the following benefits and experiences:
- Deep physical relaxation
- Stress reduction
- Improved sleep
- Expanded awareness
- Insights regarding issues in life
- Access to inner guidance
- Enhanced meditations
- Enhanced intuition and creativity
- Mental calm and clarity
- More energy for daily life
- Effective problem solving
- Physical and emotional healing
- Release of fears and limiting beliefs
- Enhanced concentration and learning
- Greater synchronicity in daily life
- Greater knowing of the Total Self
Although not as common, some participants report communication with deceased loved ones, out-of-body experiences (OBEs), and various mystical experiences.
What are the goals of the workshop?
- To directly experience expanded states of consciousness which usually take years of training and practice to attain and hold
- To learn tools to help you access these states of consciousness quickly and easily without Hemi-Sync® support
- To be able to utilize previously untapped inner resources
- To learn practical applications for everyday life
- To better understand your Total Self and the Greater Reality
What is Hemi-Sync®?
Your two-day adventure into expanded states of consciousness is facilitated and enhanced by the use of Hemi-Sync®, a powerful audio-guidance technology which has been effectively and safely used for over 40 years. Hemi-Sync® (from “hemispheric synchronization”) allows you to easily, quickly, and safely access and hold specific states of consciousness for extended periods of time. You can experience within 5-7 minutes expanded states that generally require 20+ years of dedicated meditative practice to realize. In the Exploring Consciousness workshop you will experience the power of Hemi-Sync® both for consciousness exploration and for everyday applications.
What is the workshop like?
Highly experiential and participatory, the workshop is usually conducted with small groups. During the weekend program you will experience a carefully designed sequence of Hemi-Sync® exercises, most of them with verbal guidance. You will be doing the same audio exercise at the same time as everyone else, but you will have your own unique set of experiences and insights. You will be able to work on your own issues, engage in self-healing, seek guidance, and find out more about your Total Self. The program is quite intensive, but you will experience profound relaxation. Most people feel more centered, grounded, and re-energized afterwards.
Each audio exercise is introduced so that you understand its purpose and know what to expect. During the exercise you will be lying in a comfortable position on an air mattress with one or two pillows and a blanket or comforter. The room will be darkened, but you may wish to use an eye mask. Through the stereo headphones you will listen to a few minutes of Metamusic® (music with Hemi-Sync® signals) to relax before transitioning to the exercise. After the exercise, you may wish to make some notes in your manual or journal before the group sharing session. Sharing your experiences is always optional, but you are encouraged to do so since this contributes greatly to everyone’s learning and overall experience.
What happens on the first day?
On the first day you will learn to access a powerful state of consciousness which Bob Monroe referred to as Focus 10, the state of “Mind awake, body asleep.” Your body will be profoundly relaxed or even asleep while your mind is fully alert and awake. As always, you will be in complete control and can make conscious decisions. Focus 10 is the foundation for exploring both your Total Self and nonphysical realities. It is the doorway for accessing many other states of consciousness.
On the first day you will:
- Learn how to quickly and easily move back and forth between Focus 10 and waking consciousness
- Practice techniques for increasing and controlling your personal energy field
- Release energetic blocks and experience healing
- Learn a powerful technique for healing self and others based on research conducted at the Monroe Institute with gifted healers
- Gain personal insights and understanding
- Learn 16 tools and techniques to support consciousness expansion and for everyday practical applications
What happens on the second day?
Building on what you have already experienced, you will learn to access Focus 12 which Bob Monroe called “the state of expanded awareness.” Focus 12 is an ideal state for getting answers to questions, solving problems, and exploring issues. In this state you can establish a connection with your own inner wisdom so that you can receive information and insights from a deeper Source of “knowingness” that exists beyond your waking mind. You will also learn additional tools and techniques to further your exploration of consciousness and for everyday application.
On the second day you will:
- Reinforce your skills at accessing Focus 10 (“Mind awake, body asleep”)
- Practice how to quickly and easily move back and forth between waking consciousness and Focus 12
- Learn a quick and practical method to access guidance from the Focus 12 state while you are physically awake and alert
- Have an opportunity to receive answers to important life questions
- Learn and practice an effective technique for dissociating at will from your physical body (can be used as preparation for having conscious out-of-body experiences or OBEs)
- Learn practical, everyday applications of all of the “consciousness tools” you have learned in the workshop
What are graduates saying?
Excursion Workshop is the predecessor to the revised and expanded Exploring Consciousness workshop
“I found the TMI Excursion Workshop event led by Ellen Jones-Walker and Tip Walker to be a transforming event that has become a portal for me to a journey of awareness and awakening. From the beginning, the event was experiential, personal and enlightening, and by the end of the weekend I had gained several profound, surprising new insights. A great many questions and ideas I had wrestled with over the course of a lifetime were dealt with in remarkable, effective ways. It should be made clear, I believe, that the exercises conducted by Tip and Ellen were totally objective and based on proven scientific method. Throughout the workshop, special care was taken by the leaders to allow participants to learn and experience on their own without interference or manipulation of any sort. I had hoped for an enlightened opportunity to investigate and explore scientifically and spiritually, and the Excursion Workshop provided this in ways I could not have anticipated.”
— Mike Simpson
“Ellen and Tip bring to the Excursion Workshop just what you would want in guides: warm personalities, gentle encouragement, clear instructions, strong explanations, common sense and plenty of good humor! The two days are fully booked but with plenty of time for personal reflection and group discussion. As a novice in this work I appreciated their guidance and support and found that I benefited immensely from the workshop. I am already scheduled for my next one! Thank you, Ellen and Tip, for an eye-opening experience.”
— Ann
“Ellen and Tip are wonderful hosts and guides for the Excursion Workshop. They are deliberate and thoughtful in their approach as they use their experience to help direct the process. That familiarity certainly helps the comfort level and this enabled me to focus on certain key aspects of each exercise. As we debriefed from each exercise, I was able to learn even more so I could apply that experience better in the next session.
I feel the Excursion has allowed me to place a new foundational block in my meditation practice. I am very grateful to Ellen and Tip for their insight and support during the weekend. I highly recommend the Excursion, if not one of the other KeyQuest workshops.
— Chris S
“This Excursion Workshop created an expanded awareness of auditory and visual impressions far beyond what I expected. I was able to perceive auric energy fields, and I was elevated to a heightened sense of possibility in many aspects of my life. The professional and intuitive expertise of Ellen and Tip provided a rich atmosphere of trust and shared experience that validated and enhanced each person’s unique journey.”
— Tamara
“The Excursion Workshop was a remarkable experience and has had a number of positive effects on everyday life. With the aid of Hemi-Sync® and some of the triggers I learned during the workshop, I have enjoyed increased awareness, better concentration and more restful sleep. I look forward to future workshops and more exciting adventures.”
— Rick Parrish
“I have just recently started becoming aware so I had no idea what to expect. But this was more than I ever expected... [during a Hemi-Sync exercise] suddenly, I'm in nothing (no time, no space, just vast nothing)... then, a wave of love hits me. It was tangible... it was wonderful. I'm not the same person I was before Excursion... the whole experience was incredible.”
— Sarah
“The Excursion Workshop was really wonderful! I attended a weekend workshop with Ellen and Tip. My 17-year-old daughter joined us as well. She and I both really loved the experience, and Ellen and Tip were great facilitators. My daughter suffers from sleep problems and has been using some of the tools she learned from the workshop to help her sleep at night with impressive results! Thank you so much Ellen and Tip!”
— Gigi K.
“The best advice I would give someone taking the Excursion Workshop is to be open, have no expectations and do not judge or compare your experience to anyone else's. We are all in different places in our journey. I am still processing the effects of the workshop. A door has been opened where I am just observing what I am picking up. Very interesting. ... I think expanding our consciousness opens us up to seeing, feeling, knowing that which is not seen in the physical world. There is a peace that comes with that.”
— Susan F.